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Ramblings and Musings of a Man Who Toils in a Cubicle and Yet Still Has Too Much Free Time to Think About Pointless Shit and then Write it Down

Monday, November 15, 2010

Dreary Monday

It's Monday again. Time to drag my ass into the office after a weekend of relaxation, and 5 minutes early to boot, so I can be seated for the weekly staff meeting which almost always starts a minute early. It's kind of pretty outside right now - the sky is partly cloudy, casting an even glow on the trees which are at the peak of their autumn color. Unfortunately it will turn to rain this evening, just in time for the drive home in the black gloom of Standard Time. I really need to get my fat ass to the gym, but darkness, cold, and rain make me want to slip into my PJs and sink into the old yellow gingham easy chair under my warm, soft Avoca wool blanket.

I wish I were doing that right now. These autumn days, when the sunlight grows scarce and the chills blow in, all I want to do is hunker down at home and not go anywhere, especially not to the office. At least today I have a reprieve from the bug-in-a-bell jar feeling. My supervisor is on vacation right now, and boy do I love it when she's not here. Today, I know she won't be flitting back and forth, glancing at my screen every time she walks by my cube. I can take longer breaks without worrying about whether she's looking for me. Best of all, I can slip out 15 minutes early and no one notices. There's really no point to my being here the last 30 minutes of the workday anyway. Hell, most days when I leave early, the receptionist has already locked up and gone home. My supervisor goofs off, too - many times I've seen her shopping online or dicking around on Facebook. God, I just want to go home and spend the day watching TV or working on digitizing old family photos. Shit! I should have brought them to the office. With my supervisor out, nobody would see what I was doing.

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