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Ramblings and Musings of a Man Who Toils in a Cubicle and Yet Still Has Too Much Free Time to Think About Pointless Shit and then Write it Down

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow day!

We had quite the winter weather yesterday, and for the first time in my stint at this soul-sucking cubicle farm, I was able to take a "snow day." I awoke to find my parking lot and surrounding streets covered in a sheet of crunchy ice. Per my employer's adverse weather policy, I called in the morning and said I didn't feel safe to drive to work. Not a lie, either - while I'm close to a major road, getting out of my neighborhood in my RWD sedan would have been quite difficult if not altogether impossible.

Knowing that there was little in my inbox, and nothing time-sensitive, I knew they wouldn't need me so badly that they'd send someone to get me, so I kept my PJs on and settled in with my wife, also unable/unwilling to make it to work, for an entire Tuesday of goofing off. We began with a leisurely breakfast of fried eggs, then sat in the living room all day watching movies and TV shows on our glorious 46" HDTV.

This morning, after getting screwed by the lottery yet again, I saw that the ice sheet had softened enough to make me feel like I'd better drag my ass to the office, though I nearly called it quits when I almost couldn't get my car up the gentle slope out of the cul-de-sac. Upon my arrival, I saw only one new work order waiting for me. Apparently more than half the staff didn't make it. So instead of wasting 8 hours of my life sitting in my cubicle with nothing to do, I spent the day in my warm house, in my pajamas, watching movies and munching on popcorn. Such is the manner in which I would like to spend every day in winter, not only when it snows and sleets, but merely when the temperature dips below 50 degrees.

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