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Ramblings and Musings of a Man Who Toils in a Cubicle and Yet Still Has Too Much Free Time to Think About Pointless Shit and then Write it Down

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to the Socialist States of America

We're all fucked. Our future was voted away by sleazebag democrats looking to secure future votes from the least intelligent (and probably majority) sector of the general population.

The previous health care system was already fucked up beyond repair. Beyond repair. Is this new legislation is going to fix it and make everything all better? Fuck no! Under the new plan, even more people are going to get screwed. So I guess the commies and socialists who think everyone should be equal will get their wish, because everyone's equally ass-fucked under this plan. Our glorious leader is going to jack up everyone's taxes to pay for health care for those who couldn't afford it before under the previous, slightly less fucked-up system. So if you're already paying for health insurance, maybe you will see premiums go down, but it won't make any difference because your income taxes will shoot up to pay for the whole goddamn leviathan.

It's all downhill from here, folks. Next the democommies will push for the "public option," a health insurance plan funded by your tax dollars to pay for Reena and Joe-Bob in Idaho and their five bastard kids. Private insurers won't be outlawed, but will close up shop when they can't compete with taxpayer-funded rates that are so much lower because of the additional taxes imposed on employers and individuals who choose private insurance. All that will be left will be Uncle Scam's health insurance, which will impose price controls on everything. Hospitals will cut back on services and cut doctors' and other staffs' pay just to stay open, making you have to wait in line for critical care or surgery because fewer people will be willing to work for the reduced pay. Would you like to die from a tumor or cancer that could have been prevented if you hadn't had to wait 6 months for an MRI? That's the way it already works in Canada, which has fewer MRI machines in the entire country than in the state of Michigan.

To provide all the funding this bullshit plan requires, Obama is also slashing Medicare and Medicaid. God help your parents and any surviving grandparents if they're not exceedingly wealthy. They'll also have to wait in line behind everyone else for inferior-quality care. "Sorry," says Uncle Scam, "you're old and feeble, so you'll just have to die waiting for treatment."

Oh, but your glorious leader needs more money to make sure everyone gets cheap health care and votes for his democrat cronies in future elections, so he's going to take it out of your inheritance. The estate tax was set to expire in 2011, but if the democommies have their way, they'll reinstate it, and possibly even worse than before. If you have parents or grandparents who worked hard, saved, invested wisely, and bought houses to raise their families, anything you stand to inherit will once again be cut in half, to be taken by the gummint and given back to your pals Joe-Bob and Reena. Did your dad or granddad bust his ass all his working years so that his house and all his savings would be scattered to the wind when he died?

It's all in the shitter now, friends. No matter how hard or smart you work, in Obama's new socialist state, it will all be for nothing.

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