Friends who read this blog no doubt recall my Oval Office-themed study at my parents' house. I attempted the same at my current residence but finally came to terms with the fact that I won't have a convincing home version until I have the means to build a custom-designed house. I had a brilliant thought, however: I could have a White House-themed dining room, in which I could host a Presidential dinner. My dining room is nowhere near the size of the state dining room, but it could be, in my deluded mind, the smaller "family dining room" found in the executive mansion. A lick of ivory paint and some molding would give off the desired effect. I took the time to render my idea in Photoshop (too lazy to add the crown molding):

The materials wouldn't be terribly expensive. I already have the eagle and the flags, poles would simply be dowels stained or painted, and the portrait would be a framed poster print.
For a Titanic dinner (mentioned in an earlier post), I'd simply replace the portrait with a poster of ships at sea and remove the flags and eagle. I'd also rig up an electric table lamp similar to those used on the ship by putting an LED flashlight inside a small brass lamp base.
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